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W.D. Kelley Foundation

2008 The Gift of Our Building

The mission of the W.D. Kelley Foundation is to improve education and human services in Williamson County. W.D. Kelley was a client of Georgetown estate planning attorney Dale Illig. Mr. Kelley had no family, so upon Kelley’s death in 1996, the W.D. Kelley Foundation was formed with Dale as the president. Mr. Kelley was an unassuming man who had little interest in money. The fascinating story, involves a modest but determined man, a caring and able attorney, a contested will, and a condemnation. The result was a Foundation that makes grants to area causes.

W.D. Kelley
W.D. Kelley
Dale Illig
Dale Illig

Among those grants was the gift to CTCF of
the Mann's Drug Building on the Square,
which became our headquarters. We gained a
permanent home, and also earn income from
the suites we rent out to local tenants.
We love our home on the Square!

CTCF Expresses deep appreciation for Mr. Kelley,
and Mr. Illig and the W. D. Kelley Foundation. Since
receiving the building in 2008, CTCF has
distributed over $13 million. The vast majority
was to education and human services in
Williamson County, the stated mission of the
Kelley Foundation. We trust Mr. Kelley would be

Mann's Drug
Building circa 1984
Mann's Drug Building circa 1984